Our Process

We employ a disciplined, repeatable process to address your specific individual goals, personal situation, and risk preferences.


UNDERSTAND AND GATHER____________________________________________________________________________________________________

The foundation of an effective partnership is centered upon a common desire to work together towards defined goals. As we begin our relationship together, our primary commitment is to understand your family's needs and objectives. We will also share our investment and wealth management philosophies with you. Once we mutually agree our partnership is a fit, we will begin to gather basic information about your finances to help us start to chart a course towards balancing your current needs with your longer-term goals.

ANALYZE AND IDENTIFY________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Following our initial meetings, we will use the information we gathered about your current finances and future objectives to begin a comprehensive wealth forecasting analysis. During this analysis, we will consider your goals, current investments, asset allocation, cash flows, time horizons, tax complexities, and risk preferences. We use these elements to develop a strategy that helps the different pieces of your financial life to work together, considering both your comfort level with risk and the amount of risk needed in the current market environment. We also create a mechanism to describe the realistic probability of meeting your objectives to support more informed decision making about your current situation and proposed alternatives. Through this, our intention is to create a sustainable plan that will serve as a roadmap to help you achieve your family's goals with a higher probability of success.

PRESENT AND IMPLEMENT_____________________________________________________________________________________________________

We will present an initial plan with a clear explanation of how it aligns with your current and desired future situation. We will define an initial target asset allocation and portfolio structure that eliminates unnecessary costs and complexities. Specific investments will focus on low-cost investments whenever possible. Investment portfolios, based on investor objectives such as total return or income generation, will be global to ensure proper diversification. Securities held are long-term in nature and turnover is intentional and measured. Accounts will be reviewed and rebalanced as needed. Tax loss harvesting is pursued throughout the course of the year rather than just at year end.

REVIEW AND PARTNER_________________________________________________________________________________________________________

An important part of this process is to ensure that your plan is fluid enough to adjust over time to meet your family's evolving life circumstances. For example, as you move closer to funding your goals such as retirement, you may want to reduce risk, save less, or retire sooner. Moreover, in the event you move further away from funding your retirement goals, you may want to increase risk, save more, or retire later. To ensure this happens, we will have ongoing, proactive dialogue that will serve to continually measure the progress of your plan relative to your objectives and recommend changes as necessary.

In addition, we recognize that wealth management goes beyond investment management. We will also seek to identify estate planning, asset protection, and tax issues and collaborate with qualified professionals to help address.


**All investing involves risks, including the possible loss of principal amount invested. No investment strategy can guarantee your objectives will be met.